Wednesday, December 20, 2017

“Now It's Wednesday I Don't Know What He's Thinking”

With not much going on right now, I figured it was random note time, folks:

1) The next two episode titles have been released, but no press releases have come out yet as far as I know.

Episode 11 (January 3rd) is titled “He Said, She Shed”. I can't see much for Alex out of that, but at least we'll probably get to see a lot of Stella.

And Episode 12 (January 10h), which is also the show's 200th episode overall, is “Dear Beloved Family”. There is definite tearjerker potential in that title1. Since it is the 200th episode Alex should have at least a small part of a story, but the question is just how much will she get to do.

2) We can sort of stop the Dog Years watch. Ariel's upcoming movie has had its name changed to The Last Movie Star. It's still making the film festival rounds so still no word on when (if) most of us will get to see it.

3) One odd piece of scheduling to start the new year: “Catch Of The Day” (the first Alex-less episode of the season) repeats on Tuesday, January 2nd (the night before “He Said, She Shed” debuts).

4) Finally, I found this cute little video on YouTube:

I don't agree with all of it (I'd hardly call Alex's plight in “When A Tree Falls” as one of her “best of” moments, funny though it was), but I figured why not end with something fun for a change?

I'm working the next five days (my choice – the money's good for working Christmas Day) so other than any press release comments you probably won't hear much from me for a while.
1 If that comes to pass the most likely scenario would probably something happening to Phil's father, Frank, or Claire and Mitch's mother, Dede. We know Alex had a connection with Phil's mother (her grandmother) so if it turns out to be the former it remains to be seen how deep that goes.

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