Wednesday, January 3, 2018

“And I Go Back To December All The Time”

Well, that's what it felt like yesterday at my store: with a suddenly blossoming storm on the horizon, everyone decided to buy their last minute whatevers and descended upon us, making it look like Christmas was still just around the corner and not in the rear-view mirror.

Thankfully that storm won't be here until tomorrow morning so I should be able to watch tonight's “He Said, She Shed” without interruption (although there may be a “no school” list crawling at the bottom for distraction). But just how thankful should I be?

Anticipation Level: Low. At least Alex will be there – the question is for how long? Sadly, if before that sneak peak came out this had all the looks of an Alex-less episode, after that sneak peek I can only upgrade it to “look of a one-and-done” status. In truth, I'm more anticipating to see if a promo for next week's 200th episode1 airs at the end of tonight's show. 

Also, the show has a history of mediocre or worse episodes to start a new calendar year ("The Day We Almost Died", I'm looking straight at you with fire in my eyes!).  So, yeah, I'm not exactly counting down the hours today.
Emotional Moment Potential: Extremely Low. Ditto – I really, really can't see much happening here. Also ditto – next week, OTOH...

Game Changing Potential: Very Low. And one more “wait until next week” level. Maybe.

Yay. I'll see you again tonight.
1 Which I won't even get to see right away – because of doctor appointments early in the week I'm working next Wednesday night so I'll be back to tape delay status for it.

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