Wednesday, January 3, 2018

“One Step Forward, Two Steps Back” (“He Said, She Shed” Recap)

So I was off by one – Alex actually appeared twice tonight. Not that much came of it as expected (other than indignation at the term "she shed" and a few other choice snipes), but there were still a couple of talking points.

The most interesting thing about Alex tonight was Luke mentioning that he set fire to her cello. It would have been fascinating to see her reaction when that happened (it could've happened even before the show started – the cello she's played off and on throughout the series wouldn't necessarily have been her first). She's always had a love/hate relationship with her cello (sadly more of one than almost with any boy/guy), so I'm about 50/50 as to whether she'd want to kill Luke or hug him.

Normally I don't delve too deeply here into non-Alex stories (usually just a footnote or two), but a scene from one of tonight's stories has to be discussed since it brought out the inevitable comparison to Alex's most famous story.

The therapy scene with Mitch and Cam played out as one of those scenarios I feared might happen in Alex's story in “Under Pressure” - while it had Cam's one sort of big dramatic moment I really didn't like that it was played as much for laughs as it was for seriousness. I still feel Alex's story four years ago was just about perfectly done.

Alex's Line Of The Night: ”Welp1, I'm on my third day of my News Year's resolution to not say things nobody cares about. Damn it.”

That's about 2.99 more days than I would have thought she would've lasted.

Part of me is surprised that she even made a resolution. Just before “Under Pressure” came around I made a comment2 that Alex didn't need to make a resolution, because why mess with perfection? Obviously, some things have changed since then (thankfully not a lot).

And, actually, for a change, even in a limited role Alex had several lines worthy of mention here (including the aforementioned indignation line).

No commercial for next week yet – if/when one shows up I'll comment about it if Alex is in it.

I'm off to my bed and blanket for the rest of the day – thankfully I don't have to go to work today in this blizzard coming later.
1 At least that's what the closed captioning said Alex said.

2 Actually it was a meme I created on USA Network's Modern Family meme generator. Sadly neither the meme nor the generator exist any more.

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