Thursday, February 15, 2018

"This Is For Those Who Wait" (First Impressions - "Spanks For The Memories" - Season 9, Episode 14)

Hello, remember me?  Finally some things are happening, though I'm not sure how good they will be.

Anyway, ever since I first heard this title for the next new episode (about a week ago), I've had nothing but dread about what it might mean if it related to Alex.  The last thing I want to see is Alex being involved in spanking, one way or the other (and I thought of one very possible storyline which would be particularly maddening, which could potentially turn even Alex's most loyal fans against her, but I'll keep that to myself for now if not longer).

Well, the press release finally came out Thursday on ABC's press site,  and there is nothing at all about Alex in it.  But that alone doesn't mean she doesn't have one - only two stories are listed in the release, and there is no mention of any of the Dunphys yet, so there could still be something.  I'm not totally ready to breath easy about Alex, though.

For those only interested in what may be next for Alex, I'm done here.  But click on if you want the latest on The Last Movie Star, although actually it's hard to say what that latest is.

I've seen two probably (but not 100% certainly) conflicting news stories about the status of Ariel's movie that we've been waiting to see for almost two years.

This story on a site called "Irish Film Critic" which I saw on Wednesday says the movie is coming out on Blu Ray on March 28th, apparently skipping most movie theaters and going virtually straight to video.  That would be very disappointing to me, since I was hoping to see it in a theater first.

But then on Thursday, I found this story on Yahoo, which includes a trailer for the movie.  This story says the movie will be in theaters (it doesn't say how widely, though) on March 30th (three days after it's supposed to be on home video), and it will be available on DirecTV (which I have) starting on February(?) 22nd. [UPDATE: I checked my DirecTV guide on my box and confirmed that it will debut on pay-per-view at 6 A.M.  next Thursday.]

So what am I going to do now?  I'm not sure - I did just say I wanted to see the movie in a theater, but I may just decide to take the first opportunity to see it if it is available next week, especially with no guarantee it will still show up in a theater here in the Boston area next month.  I'll let you know next week what I end up doing.

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