Wednesday, February 21, 2018

"We've Got Stars Directing Our Fate, And We're Praying It's Not Too Late"

So, for the 2 or 3 (give or take 3 or 4) that have been waiting with baited breath to find out when I'm going to get around to watching The Last Movie Star on DirecTV, I've decided to hold off until after I get home from work on Saturday night.  It's just easier for me that way - I don't have to wake up at the crack of dawn tomorrow on a work day or rush into a viewing after work (around 11:00) when I have to go back to work on Friday.

$11 is pretty pricey for a PPV, by the way, about the cost of seeing it at night in a movie theater (granted it hasn't had a regular run in any theaters yet, and outside of New York City or Los Angeles it may never).  Hopefully it will be worth it.

As for Alex news, I don't have much - the March 7th episode is titled "Written In The Stars", but that's all I know right now.  I would love for that to turn into an Alex story that's reminiscent of The Fault In Our Stars (anyone up for a pre-eulogy for Sanjay, or better yet, so to speak, Reuben?), but I figure there isn't an infinity big enough to hold the odds against that.  Plus I'm sure Phil doesn't want to give up his sad(?) swing set.

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