Wednesday, April 11, 2018

“All I Wanna Do Is Lose Control(?)”

OK, I won't go that far, but I am definitely not a happy camper after tonight.

I probably should have taken it as an omen that my worst fear from this morning would come to pass when I got stuck with a “wait a second I just remembered I needed something else” customer to finish my shift (which took a lot longer than a second, of course), causing me to miss my bus. I did get home with a couple of minutes to spare before the show started, but now I wonder why I bothered to stress out about it.

So dubious history was made tonight, as Alex went missing for the fourth time this season, which has never happened before.

The worse part is I still don't think tonight is the last one, even with only three more to go. That prediction of five Alex-less episodes I made before the season started is still very much in play.

Of course we'll now have to wait three weeks (at least – no definitive word yet on what's up for May 2nd) for the first “opportunity” for that to happen.

Well at least I am getting tomorrow off for working today. That's about the best I can do for now.

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