Wednesday, April 11, 2018

“And We're Never Gonna Change”

Too bad I can't say that line to “Here's To Never Growing Up” applies to my work schedule – I had to trade shifts so I'm working today (I'm supposed to be off tomorrow to make up for it, but I'm not certain that part will still be true by the end of today). I should be home in time for tonight's episode, “ChiPs And Salsa”, so hopefully the rest of my routine will fall into place.

Anticipation Level: Low With no sign of Alex so far, I'm not really waiting with baited breath for tonight, though. The only possible saving grace is we don't know what the Dunphys (except for Haley) are going to do tonight, so maybe there will be still be a surprise Alex story. But I doubt it.

The only other reason this level isn't lower? As expected, the next two weeks are going to be re-runs1.

Emotional Moment Potential: Low.
Game Changing Potential: Low.

Chance Of An Alex-less Episode: Medium to High. Even though we've now had three Alex-less episodes this season (as many as we've had in any other season), I still don't think we're done – I think there will be at least one more in the final four, maybe even two. So I'm still on “Medium if we don't see Alex before the start if the show” alert mode. And I'm bumping it up a little here because I feel like tonight's episode is the most likely of those last four for Alex not to be there.

Certainly if, like last week, the first Dunphy scene has everyone but Alex on hand I think it will happen (Yes I know Haley has a story with Gloria and Jay but she could still be at home to start).

In Which Story Do I Want To See Alex Be A Part? Well it's almost certain that if she does appear at all it will be at home, so...

Are There Any Other Questions? Again, I'm drawing a blank.

Until tonight, keep trying to “Smile” (hint, hint).
1 “Sex, Lies And Kickball” next week, “Ten Years Later” the following week.

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