Wednesday, September 26, 2018

“You Gotta Find The Spark That Will Pull You Out Of Wherever You Are” (“I Love A Parade” Recap)

I'm not sure I've found the spark for myself, but at least Alex did.  In more ways than one, actually.

It did seem rather abrupt though for Alex to go from total vegging (cute onesie costume, yes, but what was that animal she was wearing, anyway? I think it might have been a cow, but...) to wanting to get back to her regular intensity, without even seeing what triggered it.   This is one of those cases where they could have made an interesting story for Alex about going from one extreme to another (to a degree - until she actually has a textbook in her hand I'm not considering the 'real' Alex to be all the way back – for all we know she was still using the laptop for BuzzFeed quizzes), but decided to just drop her being far more relaxed than usual more or less after the first scene.

I wish Claire wasn't so worried about Alex setting off the fireworks – it's not like Alex hasn't done it before (with a little help at her grandmother's funeral).

Hopefully we'll see Alex set off a different sort of fireworks as the season goes along – it's probably going to take a while, though.

Alex's Line Of The Night:  ”Well, I fell asleep on my phone and I think my face ordered another one (onesie).”  I thought at first she had ordered a second phone but upon further review she was actually talking about the “backup” onesie that Claire wound up wearing.

One down, twenty-one to go.  It wasn't the greatest of starts for Alex (it could have been worse) but at least in the episode overall there were a fair share of funny moments.

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