Monday, October 1, 2018

"There's Just This Empty Place Inside Of Me" (First Impressions - "Torn Between Two Lovers" - Season 10, Episode 4)

As soon as I saw the title for this episode, which also happens to be the title of one of my all-time favorite songs (not that I've ever had to deal with that - I've never even reached one), I pretty much knew Alex would once again be left out in the cold (she's only fared slightly better than me).  And, sure enough, the press release confirmed that (not surprisingly given the title Haley is the focus, again).

Actually it bugs me more that Manny has another story (he has one this week as well).  Nothing against Manny, but unless there is a surprise somewhere in the next three weeks, Haley, Luke and Manny will all have two or three stories each in the first month, while Alex probably won't have had much of anything (maybe being generous and counting last week as a third of a story?).  At the rate we're going, Lily and Joe will probably get stories before Alex, too.

I know that sounds like nothing new, but with time probably running out on the show as a whole...

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