Wednesday, October 17, 2018

“Couldn't Really Blame You, If You Turned And Walked Away”

Given as I said before how “Torn Between Two Lovers” is one of my all-time favorite songs1, I wish I could be more excited about tonight's episode with the same title.  But I can't, at least as far as Alex is concerned.

Anticipation Level: Very Low.  Yes, part of that is because there are potentially much bigger things ahead next week.  But mostly it's because I see very little, and more likely nothing for Alex tonight.

Emotional Moment Potential: Very Low.  From Alex's standpoint, anyway.  In Haley's world, probably a lot different.

Game Changing Potential: Low.  This is slightly higher because if Arvin is Haley's chosen one, there is still the tiniest of chances Alex could be affected in some way. But since I'm guessing this probably will be Arvin's last appearance if Haley picks Dylan (the more likely scenario), I don't his being rejected will hurt Alex that much academically anymore.  And I just don't see her being the one to pick up the pieces even if Bill eventually drops out of her picture.

Chance Of An Alex-less Episode: Extremely High. Half the kids missing last week's episode feels like a setup for the other half (including Alex, obviously) taking their turn out of the picture this week.  Plus, if, as I expect, she'll miss about a fourth of the episodes again this season, we're already just about due for one anyway. 

At best, it's 50/50 whether or not Alex shows up tonight (and that's probably being optimistic), which puts the chance well into the “Extremely High” zone.

If I hear/see anything changing this before tonight I'll break in with an “extreme emergency(??) bulletin”, but please don't plan your day around that.

In Which Story Do I Want To See Alex Be A Part? I was going to say Haley's story, but, seeing as we don't know know yet what Mitch and Cam are doing this week, maybe I can dream of finally getting Alex and Lily to bond over their smartness?  Eh, I''ll dream about hitting Powerball tonight instead – that has a better chance of happening.

Are There Any Other Questions? Any chance we hear “Torn Between Two Lovers” tonight?  It's not that well known a song (it was #1 for a couple of weeks, but that was more than 40 years ago), so probably not.  It would add a bright spot to what might not be a bright night, I'll be hoping but not holding my breath waiting for it.

I suspect tonight's post-show post won't have much content, at least as far tonight goes.  Beyond that...
1 It was #1 for years, until “Nobody's Home” came around.

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