Monday, October 15, 2018

"In My Book Of Dreams" (First Impressions - "On The Same Paige" - Season 10, Episode 6)

I'm surprised we're actually getting a new episode on Halloween night - I figured since this season's Halloween episode is next week, they'd just plug in a re-run for the actual night (either this season's opener or last season's quasi-Halloween episode). 

Actually there's still a small chance this episode might get pushed back - if the World Series goes to a seventh game, it would be played that night.  Last year, unlike other networks, ABC didn't make a last-minute switch-out when last year's World Series went to Game 7, but who knows what they'll do if it happens again this year.

Anyway - here's the press release (from ABC's press site).  There's nothing in it about any follow-up (i.e. no "after so-and-so found about blah-blah-blah" spoiler sentences) to next week's episode's unexpected news, and nothing at all about Alex.  It's possible this is because this episode appears to have been filmed before next week's episode (i.e. they may or may not be airing out of order for some reason).

(One spoiler if you don't want to read it: "Paige" is not a typo, in spite of my title lyric.)

Now as for next week's episode, if you continue to the "Photos" link on the press site, there are some new photos for it posted.  There's none of Alex or Bill, but there are two photos with Jay (particularly) and Mitch on their phones with concerned looks on their faces.  

To me that diminishes but doesn't take away the possibility that the unexpected news could somehow involve Alex in a major way (to be honest I feel like I overstated the chances of that last week anyway), but I'm now guessing that if the "significant death" occurs next week, it's probably going to be Dede (IOW, still the most likely scenario).

I suppose we'll have to wait and see if any commercial for that episode reveals anything (don't count on it though even if there is one).

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