Monday, October 8, 2018

"My Love For You's A Tragedy(?)" (First Impressions - "Good Grief" - Season 10, Episode 5)

When I first saw the  press release for the (previously mentioned) Halloween episode, I thought, OK, nothing new added, so not much news, right?

And then...

Lo and behold I look at the guest character list and,, only one person is listed....Bill!

Well, well,, well - things are finally beginning to get interesting for Alex - the question being, in which way?

One person on SpoilerTV's page already commented thinking the big news hinted at in the synopsis was that Alex would become pregnant.  Given Alex's comments about the sex she was getting last week, that definitely would be on the table.

But, what if Bill shows up earlier in the show, then it turns out he is the one who is going to die (he is a firefighter, after all, and there's a lot of chances for him to get killed in the line of duty)?   I thought that was a longshot since we've only seen him once and thus would not really be a "significant" character, and he also really is only "significant" to Alex and no one else in the family.

But what if that's what the creator(s) meant by "significant"?

That would also go a long way in explaining an episode title which seems rather dark considering the episode in general looks like one of their typical light-hearted Halloween shows.

And, could we see both - Alex announcing a pregnancy and Bill dying?  That would certainly give us a story that lasts for more than one episode (another hint dropped about the death story), and Alex's reaction would probably affect the rest of her family, even if they weren't immediately affected by Bill dying himself.

One hitch in this theory might be the other story coming out for Alex - how soon will that story about her trying to get that government job (the one that Phil's unwitting past could scuttle) show up?  I doubt they'll try to both at the same time, but, who knows?

I'm not sure if it's time for a "be careful what you wish for" speech/post...

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