Wednesday, October 3, 2018

“Staring At The Blank Page Before You” (“Kiss And Tell” Recap)

I feel like I should have more to say than what you're going to see here, because it felt like there were a lot of bad optics for Alex (odd considering how little she actually had to do tonight), but I'm having a really bad case of writer's block.

Well, if nothing else, at least we know Alex is still dating Bill, for now.  But that was about it.  And even then they couldn't let Alex be happy about it, letting her zing herself with her own words not once but twice.

I was hoping when we saw Alex and Lily together at the (kids??) table we'd finally get some sort of story between the two of them concerning Lily's (no longer new-found) smartness and how to cope with it, but, needless to say that didn't happen.

That Manny story about his girlfriend maybe not being real? They did it much better with Alex and Alec four years ago, except that at least Manny got a happy ending out of it.

I don't really buy that Alex was a target of a mean girl in high school – I always figured everyone ignored her.  Maybe Sanjay might have been a little mean to her (when they were still rivals) but even that would be a bit of a stretch.

I know Gloria had her heart in the right place by trying to get the family together to honor Alex for supposedly getting another award, but couldn't she have checked with Alex first?  I'm sure Alex would have told everyone if she had received one by then anyway.

Besides, as far as I can tell it's still summer in their universe – not exactly a time with an abundance of academic achievement awards.  I wonder if Phil told Gloria about the internship that Alex turned down, and that got misinterpreted.

At least Alex did get in one small snipe at Haley about kissing Dylan while dating Alex's idol professor, but it wasn't her line of the week.  That “honor” goes to:

Alex's Line Of The Week: ”Ha! Please – I'm dating a fireman. I'm having hotter sex than...(stops when Phil shows up and sheepishly walks away)”

Come on, Alex – you're 20 and will be 211 shortly.  You're more than old enough now to have a boyfriend and do girlfriend/boyfriend things2 with him without feeling embarrassed around your father about it.

One quick schedule note before I go: The fifth episode (airing on the 24th) will be a Halloween episode. No big details were revealed, but the note does say the family will be dealing with “huge, unexpected news”. No, I don't think it's going to be “that” news (as I noted in a comment on that page) in spite of the “Good Grief” title.
1 Please tell me the show will make a big deal about this in January. Yes, they won't (they already did the 21th birthday thing with Haley) but please tell me anyway.

2 I think there's an Internet rule that you can only use the “s” word once in a post before it becomes NSFW. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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