Sunday, December 23, 2018

"It's So Hard Waiting" (First Impressions - "A Moving Day" - Season 10, Episode 11)

This press release (and photos) for the first episode of 2019 actually came out a couple of days ago, but my work schedule this weekend (and through mid-week, actually) is so back and forth (evening one shift, morning the next day, etc.) that I really didn't have much time to get to it until now.

Not that it matters much -- there's no sign of Alex in any of this, and I'm already getting a feeling we may not even see her that night.

And the following week's episode title, "Blasts From The Past", doesn't give me much confidence either, barring a highly unlikely return of Sanjay.

Sorry for the Scrooge-like post going into the holiday.

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