Monday, December 31, 2018

"We're In The Same Boat On The Same Sea" (First Impressions - 'Blasts From The Past" - Season 10, Episode 12)

I feel like I should just cut and paste my comments from last week's post about the press release for "A Moving Day", since the press release for the following episode sounds awfully familiar.

No, the stories are definitely different, but, once again 1) no sign of Alex (or Bill), again, and 2) the focus in the Dunphy house is again on Haley and Dylan.  I get it that that story's a big deal, but are they throwing all their eggs into that basket the rest of the season and completely forgetting about Alex?  Will she even get even one more story this season?

Maybe I'm just doubling down on my disappointment and pessimism because I was really hoping this episode would at least mention Alex's 21st birthday (it airs on 1/16, the day before her likely birth date),  but instead it seems more likely we won't see her at all (again?).

And with that, we're on to 2019.  Hopefully I'll be able to look back at this last 2018 post and laugh about how stupid it wound up being, but...

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