Wednesday, January 30, 2019

“Get Started, Start A Fire”

A couple of quick scheduling notes, one personal, one show-related:

Because I took a four day weekend this past weekend, I'm working tonight until 10:00.  So I won't get around to watching tonight's “We Need To Talk About Lily” until around 11:00.  So the recap (and there will be one) will probably be a bit later than usual (maybe more than that), unless not much happens.

And this will be the last new episode for a little while – there's going to be another repeat airs on February 13th (“Kids These Days”).   No, I have no idea why they didn't do these the past weeks instead of running repeats during sweeps.

Anyway, back to tonight's episode.

While Alex doesn't appear in ABC's commercial for tonight, she does appear in the Canadian TV network's (City TV) version, along with a now mustache-wearing Bill:

The clip doesn't really hint as to what type of story, if any, Alex and Bill might have tonight, but it does eliminate the tiniest of chances I felt there still might have been that Alex wouldn't appear at all.

Anticipation Level: High.  Could not much happen tonight?  Of course.  But I have a feeling that something will happen, if for no other reason that we haven't seen seen Bill for a few months, and I'd think they wouldn't bring him in for little reason (yes I did mention a couple of weeks ago this did happen with Maisie, but Bill is a bigger part of Alex's life).

Also, of course, that doesn't mean what might happen can't turn out bad for Alex either.  But that doesn't change the level of anticipation – it just makes it a different (read: dread) type.

And, finally, there is the fact there's nothing new for at least the next two weeks.

Emotional Moment Potential: Medium to High.
Game Changing Potential: Medium to High.

Sadly, these are more likely to play out if things turn bad in the relationship than good.  But, again, there is definitely a chance that something could happen.

Are There Any Other Questions?   No, not really.

Again, you'll hear from me at some point, but I have no idea when.

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