Wednesday, January 30, 2019

“I Want To See You Go Down On One Knee(?)” (“We Need To Talk About Lily” Recap)

This is going to be a kind of a “seat of the pants” recap (which has nothing to do with Bill's invention, BTW) – I may or may not clarify/re-think things in the next few days –  I'm still processing how I feel about tonight but I wanted to say something before I went to sleep.

So, does anyone still want to get married on this show?  First Haley with Dylan, now Alex with Bill?

At least Alex didn't totally close the door – as much as I'm still not 100% sold on the two of them ending up being together, if that's how Bill feels, maybe Alex should be willing to give it a chance.

There's one thing I'm not all that happy about that happened tonight – why has Alex suddenly felt the need to spy on Bill?  Thankfully for now Bill didn't make that big a deal about it.

I wouldn't know, but how much of a thing is it to still go to the parents to ask for their blessing before proposing?  Honestly, one scenario I thought might play out tonight would have been for Alex and Bill to have come back tonight already married after eloping.

And is Bill actually more interested in romance than Alex?  I hope she's not staying in the relationship mainly for the sex.

Meanwhile, I still think Mitch and Cam should've let Alex talk to Lily, instead of some internet phenom. 

Alex's Line Of The Night: ”Next time I might be ready.” (for a proposal)

Hopefully there is a next time – I'd like to see how Phil feels about it.  Hopefully Claire will come back around – she's always wanted Alex to loosen up her mood and yet now she's having second thoughts?

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