Wednesday, January 23, 2019

"Just For A Moment I Was Back At School And Felt That Old Familiar Pain"

So we now know that Alex will finally make her 2019 debut tonight in “Whazzup?”... er...”Whanex?”.  The question is does that make tonight a big deal or not?

Anticipation Level: Low to Medium.  Not that big a deal but it's something  –  I'm more curious than anything as to why Alex (and, apparently, the rest of the older kids  –  I know Manny's there and I think I saw Haley and Luke on stage in that clip) are guests at some sort of high school assembly that Cam is running.  And I am wondering how badly she'll react to his comment about college being a dead end.  Clearly she's not happy – the question is how much so.

But tonight still probably pales in comparison to next week when Bill returns.  Still, compared to the last 2 weeks, I'll take what I can get.

Emotional Moment Potential: Low.   And that's only that high in case Alex goes ballistic again (like she did recently with Luke over those puzzles he rigged).

Again, we'll have to wait for next week for any real chance of emotion.

Game Changing Potential: Very Low.  The only way the game changes for Alex this week is if for some God knows why reason she suddenly agrees with Cam.   That is not happening (I hope). 

And, once again, next week will have much more chance to be a big moment for Alex.

Are There Any Other Questions? ....What's up with the scheduling the next two weeks?  February sweeps start on January 31st, the day after next week's episode airs.  So why is ABC running a new episode next week, then airing re-runs on February 6th? (By the way, that's true for their whole Wednesday comedy lineup, not just Modern Family).  I keep thinking they may switch this (probably not though), so stay tuned.

Hopefully I'll have my recap up at the usual time – rain is supposed to come in around 9:00 tonight so I may fall victim to rain fade.  If that happens it might be tomorrow before you hear from me.

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