Wednesday, January 23, 2019

“The Days Are Empty And The Nights Are Unreal” (“Whanex?” Recap)

OK, how can I calmly describe how I felt about tonight's episode?


Sorry – it's nighttime so I don't want to wake everyone up with a blood curdling scream.  But that's how I feel after tonight's edition of “How Else Can We Dump On Alex?”

(And, no, that scream was not because of rain fade – the storm I feared would start in time to interrupt/delay things held off..  Maybe I should have wished for that to have happened anyway.)

And I was so hoping Alex would throw Cam under the bus after he turned that school assembly/seminar against her academic life and beliefs.   Or at least tell him off in (semi-)private.  Heck, I'd settle for a sincere apology from Cam (or Mitch, who goaded him into this in the first place – I'm far from letting him off the hook for this debacle).  But, naturally, we didn't get any of that.

Instead, in an episode where almost everybody else got a happy ending, Alex was left out in the cold with only Manny by her side.

No, I'm not going to say we were better off the last two weeks when Alex wasn't even around – seeing her get the short end of the stick is still better than not seeing her at all.   Barely.  But I'm figuratively running out of paper for my list of bad things the show does to her.  And that's just in the last three episodes that she HAS been seen.

Alex's Line Of The Night:1 ”I genuinely appreciate the opportunity to come back here where I had the pleasure of serving as co-valedictorian to offer a message of hope to those oft marginalized overachievers out there.”

I'm not so sure it's such a pleasure for Alex anymore now that Sanjay is no longer in the picture, but it was the only time she got to stand up for herself so I won't question it.   Although, she did twitch her eyebrows a bit when saying “co-valedictorian” in a manner which may have subtly hinted she wasn't feeling as happy about that as she was saying.

They BETTER make this up to Alex next week with Bill showing up. But I have a bad feeling they'll do the exact opposite.
1 This is what happens when we don't see Alex for a seeming eternity: I had to go back to my last recap from six weeks ago to refresh my memory as to what I called this section.

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