Monday, February 11, 2019

"I Just Want To (See Them) Turn To You" (First Impressions - "Red Alert" - Season 10, Episode 16)

There's not a lot in the press release for this upcoming episode - in fact only one story is listed.  Apparently Mitch and Cam need to turn to someone for advice again about Lily:"Lily has reached a womanly milestone that Cam and Mitch are not prepared for – at all – so they call in reinforcements..."

Please tell me this time they come to their senses and turn to Alex.  Of course, as always, I'm not holding my breath.

The only other hints of what else might happen are newly posted photos on ABC's press site (click on "episodic" if you don't want to scroll down after arriving) showing Luke and Phil in a story.  That does leave at least one possible story for Alex if she isn't in Lily's story.

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