Wednesday, February 20, 2019

“Playin' Football With The Kids On Sundays”

Or, in the case of tonight's “SuperShowerBabyBowl”, some of the adults will be watchin' football with (maybe) the kids.  And tonight is actually Wednesday, though obviously this episode was set on a Sunday (if they reference the real Super Bowl that would have been 2 ½ weeks ago).

Will Alex be watching? Maybe – way back in Season 1's “Coal Digger” she was interested in the game Jay was watching.  But I definitely want to see more than that for her.

Anticipation Level: Medium.  The potential for something interesting happening with Alex is definitely there.  The promo commercial for tonight's episode doesn't reveal much about Alex's role tonight, but there is one development that may tangentially involve her – at some point during the combined football/baby shower party Dylan walks out.  Now we know from the promo photos Alex will be talking to him – is it possible she says something to him that leads to him leaving?  That would be the worst case scenario for a major Alex role this week – the possibility she does/says something that even I'd have a hard time defending.

But it could definitely go a more positive way as well – the scene teased in those photos could be from Dylan coming back from walking out and she could say something to Dylan (and Haley) that is much more supportive.  That's what I'm hoping for.

Or the whole scene could be mostly (not necessarily totally – see below) trivial – that possibility is why my anticipation level is only medium – I have a feeling that's the most likely scenario.

Emotional Moment Potential: Medium to High.  We know there is a point where Alex and (I think) Haley share a hug. How emotional that is remains to be seen – we've seen hugs with Alex be inconsequential before (“And One To Grow On”) so that could still mean little.

Game Changing Potential: Very Low.  ABC and/or 20th Century Fox never updated the press release for tonight's episode, but I still think the guest star list is incorrect.  In other words, I'm almost 100% sure that in spite of what it says, Bill will not be there, so I don't think Alex's life is going to take a left turn tonight.

Are There Any Other Questions?  Will they use the real Super Bowl teams in tonight's episode? And for whom may Alex be rooting?  I suppose they could have filmed a couple of key scenes after the game, or edited the audio to reflect reality, but I'm guessing they didn't – the promo commercial shows Cam leaving Jay's house (at night) in a not very good mood, so I'm guessing unlike what actually happened, the Kansas City Chiefs (or possibly a fictional team from KC) are playing and not the Patriots.

As for Alex, if the real teams are playing there's no way she roots for the Patriots – they're President Trump's favorite team1 and I'm pretty sure Alex is about as unhappy about him getting elected as Ariel still is in real life.   Even beyond that I guess like most of the family who are watching the game (except for Cam and maybe not Jay?) she'd root for the Rams (or, again, a fictional counterpart from LA).

Hopefully tonight isn't as dull as the real Super Bowl.  I'll let you know tonight if I thought it was.
1 Well, at much as he wants to root for any team given his feud with the NFL – at least most of the key personnel (Kraft, Belichick, Brady) are supporters of his so that's at least true to a degree.

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