Wednesday, February 20, 2019

“Good Times, Bad Times By My Side He's So Sweet, He's So Giving” (“SuperShowerBabyBowl” Recap)

Not surprisingly, much of what I said this morning didn't come to pass.  Alex may not have been a major player tonight but she did still had a few things to do.

It was odd but nice that Alex was the one who was running the baby shower (and that Haley asked her to) – that's not something I'd expect her to try and do but it shows that she truly cares for her sister Haley and that she'd take time out of her own life to do that.

Well I thought Alex might still be at least a little interested in football, but, given that she was the "brains" behind the baby shower (see what I did there...) and decided to hold it at Jay's house on Super Bowl Sunday1, I wonder if getting thrown in the pool that night nine years ago didn't cause her to change her outlook.

(OK, that's a very, very lengthy reach since that scene from “Coal Digger” had nothing to do with that football game that night, but, my head's all stuffed up and I had to come up with something.)

I have a feeling that if Claire wasn't able to get Dylan back to the party, somehow Alex, being the person running things, would have ultimately taken all the blame for ruining everything (because of course Alex would be blamed?), even though she did say nice things to Dylan (while others were, inadvertently, saying things that were misinterpreted by Dylan as not so nice) and was trying to make Haley feel better by bringing in someone (who was that anyway – one of her high school friends?) who was further along into her pregnancy (of course that backfired too).

One demerit for Alex, though – a good leader often heads out to battle alongside his (or her) troops – why did she stay behind while most of the rest of the family was out looking for Dylan?  (Luke gets a pass since he had the job of keeping an already fragile Haley out of the loop.)   She probably had her reasons (and maybe this burgeoning head cold is making me miss them), but if I were Alex I would have been out looking too.  Especially if I thought I would get blamed if it all went wrong.

[Last second thought that just crossed my mind – somebody had to watch Joe so maybe that was why Alex stayed behind?]

That's the good thing about the abrupt “right to the happy ending” finish – the rest of the family, especially Haley, didn't get a chance to pile on to Alex.  Or, at least we were spared seeing it.)

Alex's Line Of The Night: ”They better (find Dylan) – her (Haley's) friends are going to be here in 20 minutes.  The same ones who had a graduation party voted her 'most likely to be pregnant and alone.'.  Like I always say: it's better to have no friends than mean friends.”  Having no friends myself, I can't say she's wrong.

Sorry if this post seems abrupt and more muddled than usual – I've had worse colds (so far) but I'm starting to really fog up now.
1 It's a good thing someone managed to score a single touchdown in that game or that one scene with Jay and Cam cheering it would have been very awkward.  I'm guessing they filmed that one scene when Phil and Luke brought out the “squares” board with the actual teams after they found out who was going to be playing – that was really the only reference to the game itself tonight.

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