Monday, February 25, 2019

"If I Had A Time Machine" (First Impressions - "The Wild" - Season 10, Episode 17)

Next week there's no episode at all due to an "American Idol"1 episode, but there is a new episode the following week.

Alex does actually gets mentioned in a story in the press release, but can someone tell me what's wrong with  this picture:

"Meanwhile, Gloria, Alex, Claire and Haley get together to plan her baby shower..."

Uh, so just was that that they were doing last week?   And I thought Haley put Alex in charge?

I have no idea if this episode is set before last week's, or does nobody working for the show keep tabs on what has already taken place?

(P.S. All that aside, Elaine Ko wrote this episode, so that's hopefully a good thing.)
1 It's unlikely to ever happen since the whole idea of that show is to find new talent, but if they ever do a celebrity version of that show I hope Ariel is on it.

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