Wednesday, February 27, 2019

“We Need Someone To Talk To”

There is still very little concrete known about the meaning of tonight's title of “Red Alert” - the only new thing revealed was a clip released to Twitter showing Haley and Dylan practicing changing baby diapers.  That now gives us three stories – we already knew that Phil and Luke have a story, and Mitch and Cam need someone to help them with Lily's growing up, again.

But where does this leave Alex?

Anticipation Level: Medium.   I really feel like tonight is going to be all or nothing, however I think the latter is more likely.  Tonight feels like it is set up to go one of two ways: either Mitch and Cam finally turn to Alex to help with Lily, or Alex doesn't appear at all.

And the reason I'm pessimistic about the former? We already know that Mitch and Cam feel like Alex is their last option (“Daddy Issues”).  I'm hoping they've changed their opinion, but...

I'll get to the latter scenario in a moment.

Emotional Moment Potential: Low to Medium.  Again, if Alex is a part of Lily's story there definitely is a chance for emotion.  But if not, it probably won't happen, even if Alex is around.

Game Changing Potential: Low.  In this case, even in the best case scenario, I don't see Alex's life changing that much, unless Lily says something about her life that causes Alex to step back and take a look at her own.  I just don't see that happening.

Chance Of An Alex-less Episode: Medium to High.  For all of that, without any sign of Alex so far, this episode simply has the look of being Alex-less, in spite of my hopes for something big.  And, for the most part, lately when it feels like Alex isn't going to be there, she isn't.

And, if she's not part of Lily's story, I'm not sure she'd have much of a role tonight.

Are There Any Other Questions?  I can't think of anything.

There is some snow coming in this evening, so it's possible I may not get to see this tonight.  It's supposed to be light so hopefully snow fade isn't a factor.  Unless, of course, there is no Alex, in which case...

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