Wednesday, March 13, 2019

“There's An Ordinary World Somehow I Have To Find“

This one going to be a quickie – I've lots to do (nothing fun) on my day off before tonight's “The Wild”.  Not to mention...

Anticipation Level: Medium.  For an episode in which we already know that Alex is in a story, this one doesn't really move the meter for me.  It's a simple story about Alex helping the other ladies plan (the already happened???) Haley's baby shower.   It looks like a quiet low-stakes story that will probably be played mostly for laughs then quickly forgotten.

(Of course, now that I've said that, watch it turn out to be anything but just to bite me in the, um, butt.)

Emotional Moment Potential: Low to Medium.   I suppose there's a chance Alex and Haley share a touching moment at the end, especially if this episode really was set before “SuperShowerBabyBowl” and we see Haley ask Alex to run things.

Game Changing Potential: Very Low. With Alex not the focus tonight, anything big happening for her would have to come out of nowhere.

Are There Any Other Questions? Nada.

Again, sorry for the short pre-show – hopefully I'll be totally wrong (in a good way) about tonight and the recap will be more exciting.

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