Wednesday, March 13, 2019

“Well, There's Too Much Traffic, I Can't Pass, No” (“The Wild” Recap)

So much for apples falling far from trees – and I had such high hopes for Alex.

No, I don't think her little on-campus incident will haunt her forever (moral, not all potential game changing moments are good ones), but unfortunately I can no longer say that Alex is the only safe driver in her family.

At least that mini-story did finally give us our second Alex private scene of the season.  I'd also be positive about actually showing her at CalTech, but, since it showed her screwing up, hard pass on that thought.

Alex did dodge a couple of other bullets while trying to help get that bizarre little crib upstairs into the nursery:  1) She had no trouble dealing with “that step” (for some reason I was certain it was finally going to be her turn to trip on it), and  2) she had made it downstairs (and not back up them) before that crib came crashing down them (again, I though she was going to get run over by it).  Maybe I should stop being so paranoid about what might happen to Alex – oh, wait, this show has done so much to her (especially lately) that maybe I'm not being paranoid, they really are out to get her.

I guess that mobile of great women in history that Alex made might have been her way of channeling the frustrations she was feeling a couple of weeks ago about the struggles for women in science.

 Of course, if Haley and Dylan are planning a theme of fire trucks and unicorns for the nursery, maybe they should consult with Bill?  (Anybody up for a little foreshadowing for next week?)

Alex's Line Of The Night: (Back home after that “incident”) ”You don't know the shame.  Now they won't let me drive around anyone smarter than a Sociology professor.”

Look at the bright side – if through some ridiculous fluke Alex falls off the science track (like tonight?), she can always get a job chauffeuring aging Hollywood stars1.

That's it for tonight.  Next week, we might (but hopefully not) answer a great philosophical question: If Bill appears in an episode but Alex doesn't, does he make a sound?

(OK, that was a terrible philosophical question.)
1Yes, upon a second viewing her driving did remind me a little of Lil's driving in “The Last Movie Star”.   Or maybe Gus' driving in “The Fault In Our Stars”.

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