Wednesday, May 8, 2019

"Happy Birthday To You Was Created For You(?)"

And so, we're down to the (unusually early) season finale, “A Year Of Birthdays”.  More than three months after it happened, we will finally find out how Alex “celebrated”1 her 21st birthday.

Anticipation Level: Low to Medium.  That's it has taken this long to get around to this is only part of the reason why this rating isn't higher (i.e. if nothing else tonight seems anti-climatic). 

Since this episode is going to deal with what happened on everybody's birthdays (12 or 13, depending on whether or not Dylan's is included), there really won't be much time to go into depth on any of them (especially with the big overriding story of the twins being born probably taking up much time itself), let alone Alex's (don't be surprised if hers get the least amount of time or close to it).

Plus, since Bill isn't appearing it's not likely he was a part of any celebration (unless her birthday doesn't get a flashback scene, which is also possible).

Still, it is the final episode before an even longer than usual summer hiatus (not just because this season's ending a week or two early – with the likelihood of a shorter final season I really have no idea when that final season will even start – there is no reason to assume a typical end of September beginning), so we are definitely in “take what we can get” territory.  And, unlike last season, we don't have to worry about Alex not being in the finale.

Emotional Moment Potential: Low.   Unless Alex were to drop a bombshell about her relationship with Bill (highly unlikely), the only chance for emotion lies in the birth of the twins, and how Alex reacts.

Game Changing Potential: Almost None.  Again, this episode is more about what has gone on with Alex in the past – if anything big happened we'd probably already know about it.

Are There Any Other Questions? Not even a little “yippee” about this being post #500?  No, not really – my original plan was to do a quickie post between last week's pre-show post and the recap to make the recap post the 500th, but, given how the episode turned out, I'm glad I passed.

I'll be back for one last recap for the season tonight. Then a season review this weekend, maybe.
1 If it ends up anything like her 16th birthday you'll understand why I put that in quotes.

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