Wednesday, May 8, 2019

“There's More To Be Seen Than Can Ever Be Seen” (“A Year Of Birthdays” Recap)

I suppose, on the bright side, Alex did not have the worst birthday in the family – in fact, in a sense, hers went better than almost anybody elses – she didn't have her heart broken (for once) or had it upstaged by someone else.

However, I am troubled that, given all the options she had to celebrate her 21st birthday (an intimate date with Bill would have been my choice if I were writing this episode), she chose hanging out at a bar with Haley, and it was not an impulse decision.  I hope she wasn't really drinking for four.

Alex is book smart, but will she be socially smart enough to drink responsibly?  She has a career she's about to start – I hope next season she doesn't do something to jeopardize it.

As for the other question about her birthday scene, I'm guessing she did not get pregnant with Bill - I think she would have mentioned it by now.  (Although, given Mitch saying at the hospital that she's next, and given how he and Cam found out about Haley's pregnancy ahead of time...)

And, as expected, her scene was brief.  No, I did not have a stopwatch timing how long each family member's scene lasted, but Alex's was definitely one of the shorter ones.

Her best moment of the night was easily her fake-out at Jay's roast.  Yes, I could see it coming long before it played out, but it was still well played by her.  Speaking of which...

Alex's Line Of The Night:  ”And that's how you roast! BAM!”  Actually, to be complete, she should have said “and that's how you roast a roaster”, but I'm just nitpicking.

And that will wrap things up for the season.  Final thoughts to come this weekend, I think.

P.S. Why didn't Alex get to perform at Manny's talent show (or at least if she did why didn't we get to see it)?  We know she can at least sing...

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