Wednesday, October 30, 2019

“And Then He Walked Out” (Quick Takes On “The Last Halloween”)

Well, I was right this time.  Why it only seems to happen when it's about something bad is one of life's little mysteries.

One reason why I am going to wait until tomorrow night or Friday to post a full recap is I'm not really sure how unhappy I am with Bill for breaking up with Alex.  Yes, she made a mistake, but I thought he loved her enough to be more forgiving than he turned out to be.   And it was at least partly his fault those photos ended up with Creepy Craig.

Assuming this is the end (of course things could change like with Sanjay, but I wouldn't bet on it), I hope Luke is right and that Alex does find someone more in her league.   It was a sweet touch for them to support each other.

That's it for now – I'm more numb than depressed at the moment (maybe because Alex wasn't nearly as emotional as I thought she'd be?) but I feel like at some point sadness is going to hit me.

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