Friday, November 1, 2019

“You're Trying To Convince Me That What I've Done's Not Right” (“The Last Halloween” Recap)

So, am I angry with Bill for abruptly breaking up with Alex?  Yes, somewhat.

No, I'm not “really, really wish bad things for Bill” angry.  He's not Reuben, after all1.

But after he stormed off in such a quick huff over some suggestive pictures that Alex thought she was sending to him, but instead wound up in the possession of a fellow fireman nicknamed Creepy Craig, I now really don't want Alex to say yes if he comes crawling back someday apologizing to her.

My biggest problem with his overreaction is simple – why didn't he explain when he first contacted Alex that he was using Craig's phone because the battery in his phone died?  This whole terrible misunderstanding probably doesn't happen if he said/texted that piece of information from the start.

Yes, Alex could have (possibly even should have) wondered and/or asked why she was getting a call from Bill from not his regular number. I  have a feeling, though, maybe she thought that Bill had lost his old cellphone or changed his number.  Or maybe she was so happy to hear from Bill for the first time in a while she didn't notice.

So, no, Alex isn't 100 percent blameless either.  Which is also why I'm not putting Bill on the Reuben List2.

But I'd still put most of the fault for this sad breakup on Bill (at least 80/20 IMO but probably more) – he knew what was going on and had every chance to clue in Alex before things got out of hand.

And, yes, I feel he overreacted.   I could understand him being upset that Alex would think that he wanted her to send those photos (and, to be honest, 11 is an excessive number to boot), but I think he should have been willing to talk it out with Alex some more, maybe back home in a more private setting.   But he didn't.

If anything, he should be mad at Craig for his role in this – why is Craig even asking Alex for suggestive photos?  Craig should have texted to Alex she had the wrong number and not taken advantage of the misunderstanding,   OTOH, I guess I shouldn't have asked someone named Creepy Craig to do the right thing.   In fact, I'm adding him to the Reuben List.

Do I think Bill be back?  My gut instinct is no, he won't, but who knows?

Nor do I know where Alex goes next – I think it will be a while before we find out anything.

There is one more thing that worries me about those photos, and it was something that I didn't think of until Alex asked about Craig deleting them as Bill was walking away.  What happens if those pictures end up in cyberspace?  There are a lot of scenarios where that could happen, and if so, does that jeopardize Alex's future (e.g. her career)?

As for the rest of the story, I still like that Luke and Alex were on the same page and supportive of each other after they were both dumped within minutes of each other.  It was nice to see them being nice to each other for a change.

That doesn't mean that Luke is off the hook for a few of the mean things he's done to Alex the last couple of years though – he still owes a few prayers at the confessional.

Wednesday night was sad, and the only reason I haven't melted into a puddle of tears yet is that I figured something would happen eventually and I'm far from surprised.  I still could melt later, I suppose.

Alex's Line Of The Night: (talking to Luke about Janice dumping him) ”You know what's she's not going to find in that purse?  Someone better than you.” (Luke: 'Really?')  “Yeah!  You can do better than, I'm forgetting her name right now, so, Molly's mom.”

There was one (temporary) bright spot about Wednesday – with Haley not in this episode Alex is as of now the only “kid” not to miss an episode yet this season.  But by “temporary” I mean I have a stronger than ever feeling that this will change this following Wednesday.  More on that next week.
1 OK, even that might be harsh, but, I won't retract it, because, Reuben.

2 The guy on the train to Portland that befriended Alex but then (allegedly) stole her wallet would be the other member on that list (until now – go back to the main post and read on).   Ben doesn't quite make that list, despite him turning Alex's breakup against her two years ago.

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