Wednesday, October 16, 2019

“I Can Program A Computer(?), Choose The Perfect Time” (“Pool Party” Recap)

So, I guess tonight is the beginning of Alex's new career1?  I wish we knew more about what that corporate offer entailed – I have no idea whether she should accept it or not.

(Although, given the reinforcement we saw tonight of how miserable she really was in Antarctica, I probably would lean towards yes.)

That final scene (the one that was in the promo commercial) left me confused – since Haley apparently was ready to say goodbye to her kids (turning them over to Phil) and go back to work, did that mean that Alex had also made the decision to take the corporate job?  I think so, but it was just unclear enough to me to say definitely.

Instead, maybe Alex should go to work for Claire, helping fix those security breaches?   At least Phil won't be around to fry the company's computers (like he did to Alex's a few years ago – presumably she know now the importance of backing up critical data).   I'm surprised she didn't offer a suggestion or two tonight (of course whether that lawyer would let her is another story).

Although tonight was more of a baby step, it does set up the possibility of an interesting few weeks for Alex – just how “corrupt” is this company?  And how much will she change because of working there (we know from that season preview she is going to go through some change)?

Alex's Line Of The Night: (while dealing with an obstinate penguin in Antarctica) ”Back off you disgusting snow chicken2! Do not (BLEEP!) with me!!”

Oooooo, Alex said Number 11! Are there 13 bad words in Antarctica too or is that just for sailors?  (And how many bad words do Japanese fishing boat sailors know?)

And with that, it's rime for our first (of many) breaks in the final season. See you for the Halloween episode in two weeks.
1 I'm guessing NASA is no longer an option for Alex.

2 I originally thought she said "pigeon" here, but after re-listening a couple of times I think "chicken" is correct (and checking closed captioning confirmed this).

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