Wednesday, October 16, 2019

“Swimming, Swimming In Blue”

When I thought that there was about a 50/50 chance that Alex might not even appear in tonight's episode (“Pool Party”), I really wasn't looking forward to it.   Does the fact that she will show up change things?

Anticipation Level: Low to Medium.   A little, anyway.  We still have not a lot of idea as to what any of the Dunphys will be doing tonight (except maybe Phil will be taking care of the twins while one or more of Alex, Claire and Haley go out somewhere), so there is an x-factor to tonight which at least make it a little interesting.  But it is still just as, if not more likely that not much will happen for Alex at all.

On the other hand, we have a repeat next week, so, I will take what I can get this week.

Emotional Moment Potential: Low to Medium.
Game Changing Potential: Low to Medium.
Again, with so little information, it's hard to tell what could happen here.

Are There Any Other Questions?  What's two plus two?  Sorry, I had to come up with something.  Besides, with what Alex found out just before she graduated from CalTech, are we that sure the answer is four?

Yeah, I'm really coming up empty with things this week – maybe after the episode I'll have something more substantive to say.

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