Wednesday, October 9, 2019

“It Takes Two To Make A Thing Go Right”

Two quick things before previewing tonight's “Perfect Pairs”:

If you haven't yet seen last week's Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, do so, like yesterday.  I'll probably say more over the weekend1, but for now I'll just let my tweet from shortly after the episode aired do my talking:

And the first Modern Family rerun of the season will be upon us in a hurry – there is no new episode two weeks from tonight (the opener re-airs).  Presumably the Halloween episode will follow on October 30th.

And with that out of the way, let's get to tonight.  For the first time this season, we have some idea what Alex will be doing ahead of time – like the rest of the Dunphys, she'll be dealing with Haley's twins, looking for a way to use them to cross off something off her “to-do” list.  We just don't know what that is yet.

Anticipation Level: Medium.  Well, it's something.  Since we have no idea what next week might bring (it could be nothing), tonight is also our first “take what we can get” episode of the season.   But since this story doesn't really revolve around Alex I can't get super excited about it either.

Emotional Moment Potential: Low.  If Bill was going to appear there'd be a chance for something.  He's not, so, again, I just don't see anything here tonight.  But it is still possible that whatever happens tonight might affect that relationship (remember from one of the season previews that Alex was going to be affected by Haley having kids?) even if Bill doesn't know it, which brings us to:

Game Changing Potential: Medium to High.  The most likely scenario I see is that being with the twins makes Alex start thinking about asking Bill to take the relationship to the next level.   Perhaps she has a phone conversation with him?

I'll be back at some point tonight or tomorrow morning with the recap – since I don't have the luxury of having tomorrow off (unlike last week) I might just sleep on things until the morning.
1 I would have discussed this episode this past weekend, but between a yo-yo work schedule, Sunday afternoon football and a nasty stomach bug (which forced me to take my first sick day in more than a year) I just haven't had much will power to do so, even as phenomenal as that episode was.

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