Thursday, October 10, 2019

“Take My License, All That Jive“ (“Perfect Pairs” Recap)

Just a couple of quick thoughts about this one.

One reason why I thought Alex was going to use the twins to stir up things with Bill was because I wasn't sure how they could get from Point A to Point B with the other scenario, where she uses them to move her professional life forward.

I guess they found a way after all.

Now I don't condone her driving without her license – if she was pulled over that's just asking for trouble, and I'm not sure if a police officer would accept her (legitimate) excuse that she was trying to get an emergency replacement.  That just has a “dog ate my homework” ring to it.

Of course, all this wouldn't have been necessary if Luke hadn't stolen her license in the first place – did he really think he'd get away with that at the liquor store? (Oh, wait, apparently he did get away with the baby fake-out, so...)

Apparently, Luke must think that being nice to Alex that one time (consoling her after Sanjay broke up with her) lets him get away with stealing her stuff repeatedly.  Nope – doesn't work that way.

I also don't understand why she needed to borrow the twins (other than the obvious storyline reason) – all she needed was a couple of people to let her use the carpool lane – she could have asked others in the family (maybe even ask Haley to join her with the twins).

Was this job with NASA for which Alex was now applying the same one she was considering at the end of last season (the one that Phil mentioned in “Commencement”)?  Hopefully she gets it.

Alex's Line Of The Night: (when Haley asked why she and Dylan even still live at home after they found out why everyone was so willing to take care of the twins) ”Because you eat and live here for free?”

Which reminds me: Now that Pameron and Cal are no longer living in their upstairs apartment and the new tenants decided not to stay for six months after all, maybe that opens the door for Mitch and Cam to rent it to Alex (and maybe Bill)?

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