Thursday, November 21, 2019

“Bomfalleralla, Falleralla, Falleralla” (“The Last Thanksgiving” Recap)

Yes, that line from a Swedish hip-hop song from The Fault In Our Stars doesn't make much sense.  But, then again, neither does the not-nearly-brief enough “romance” (and I use that term very loosely) between Alex and Neil.  I have no idea what Alex even saw in that overbearing doofus.

Maybe Alex isn't that good at cooking (although I don't remember anyone complaining about the lasagna she cooked when she came back home from CalTech her freshman year), but Neil was way, WAY , WAY too cruel to her about that.  Maybe if he was a cooking teacher and Alex a student I could almost condone his treatment of her.  (No, not really.)  But that's not how you treat someone in a relationship.

I won't go nearly as far as to ask for Reuben to come back, though – he's still the diamond standard of bad Alex boyfriends.   Neil only gets the gold, as in I wanted to see Alex dump a bag of Gold Medal flour over his head by the end of the night.

I'll settle for Phil almost knocking him out cold with Jay's model airplane though.

Claire was partially right – Alex needs to a better job with rebound boyfriends (not necessarily boyfriends in general) – between Teddy (after Alec), Reuben (after Sanjay the first time around) and Neil (after Bill) there hasn't been a lot to like1.

Hopefully the next time we see Alex, we find out how the rest of her life (i.e. her career) is going.  The boyfriend thing isn't working out too well for her right now.

Alex's Line Of The Night: ”I don't know if it's 'cause he's a chef and they can be controlling, and, I know there's lots of different 'love languages', but, he puppets me.”

I wish Haley hadn't intervened a couple of times when Alex was about to go off on Neil, because I probably would have had a better line to choose.

Hopefully everyone has a happy Thanksgiving, but try not to go overboard.  And don't bring in a pretentious chef to help out.
1 I don't count Bill as a rebound boyfriend because Arvin was never a boyfriend of Alex.  And even if I did he'd run circles around the others, even if he wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.

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