Wednesday, November 20, 2019

“Send Your Dreams Where Nobody Hides”

No, that lyric has nothing to do with Thanksgiving, but, since Ariel did post a picture of herself in Amsterdam, and since my posts this season have been sadly lacking in The Fault In Our Stars references, I figured now would be a good time to use a lyric or two from the soundtrack (this morning's lyric is from “Wait”, the song played when Gus confesses to Hazel on the bench in Amsterdam1 that he is dying2).

Anyway, getting back to somewhat happier times, let's talk about tonight's “The Last Thanksgiving”:

Anticipation Level: Medium.  This Instagram post probably gives a good idea of what Alex will be getting into tonight:

We already knew that Alex isn't the handiest of persons, so that any attempts to help Haley in preparing Thanksgiving dinner would probably turn out as it appears.

It looks like her role is going to be mostly played for laughs, which isn't the most interesting of scenarios, but it is better than her not being there at all, of course.

Plus, this episode is on sort of an island – between the pre-emption last week and reruns next week, it is all by itself, so, that does raise the anticipation a little bit.

Emotional Moment Potential: Low to Medium.  There is one x-factor in play tonight.   Looking at the promo photos for tonight, it appears that the kids will bring in a chef to help fix up their dinner plans.  And, in this picture, Alex is smiling at that chef.  Is it possible that she could fall for him as a rebound from Bill?  Probably not, but we can dream about it for a few hours.

Game Changing Potential: Low to Medium.  Only if the above scenario plays out – otherwise I don't see much.  Certainly I don't see tonight changing any other aspect of her life.

Are There Any Other Questions?  The show filmed an episode in Paris last week.   Do I see anything for Alex there?  Well, an episode in Paris would be ripe for somebody to get a love story from it.  Why not Alex?  (Of course, now that I brought that up, I probably jinxed any chance...)

I have tomorrow off, so I'll probably have the recap up sometime before sunrise.  Or maybe after it.
1 I wish Ariel had taken a selfie on that bench and posted it, but, so far, no such luck.

2 They also play it at the end of the movie, as Hazel is reading Gus's eulogy to her.

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