Thursday, March 26, 2020

"And Now, The End Is Near" (First Impressions - "Finale, Part 1" & "Finale Part 2", Season 11, Episodes 17 & 18)

Here's the press release for the two part series finale.  There will also be a one hour retrospective on the show at 8:00 before the finale.

There's very little said about the second part, other than everyone having trouble saying their goodbyes.  But there is something known possibly about Alex's role in the first half:

"...and Phil and Claire decide that one of the kids needs to move out in order to take control of the house again."

But will Alex be the one to leave?  If I were to weigh the odds on which one leaves (of course two or even all three could leave, which certainly could happen, given how close to the end we are), she'd actually be in the middle (Haley would be the most likely since she has Dylan and the twins and that could make things the most "in control".  Luke being the youngest would make him the least likely.)

I wouldn't see Alex leaving as a bad thing - she already had her own apartment this season until she quit her job to join Arvin's research team, so I'd actually think she'd be very open to the idea.

The one concerning thing actually has to do with the party in next week's episode - is that party going to be such a disaster that it forces Phil and Claire to think that somebody needs to go?  I didn't think there'd be much stakes in next week's story, but now...

Arvin is in fact going to be in at least one of the two episodes (hopefully both), so Alex will probably have something to do one way or another.  There is hope that Alex's story ends with a bang instead of a whimper. 

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