Wednesday, April 1, 2020

“There'll Be Swinging, Swaying, And Records Playing”

OK, it will be mp3s and not records that will probably be playing in tonight's “I'm Going To Miss This” - I think Alex might be the only one of the kids to know what a record is. 

I wish that was all that was going to be happening as Alex, Haley and Luke throw one last (parents not invited) party before we wrap everything up, but we all know there's almost certainly going to be at least one disaster happening.  And who wants to take a wild guess who likely gets to take the blame when it all goes wrong?

Anticipation Level: Very High.  It's the second to last week of the series, so yes even a story with Alex potentially getting into trouble has to be at least anticipated more than a run in the mill episode from years ago.   But clearly there's a lot more dread of something bad than hope of something good happening.

Emotional Moment Potential: Low to Medium.  Medium if you count the emotion of anger.  Phil and Claire will not be happy campers if they get there and see all you-know-what has broken (or burned) loose.  I suppose Alex could get mad at her siblings too if she's not a big part of the disaster but still suffers the same if not more consequences.

Game Changing Potential: Medium.   Actually if the first part of next's week's finale didn't have a story about one of the kids being told to leave (and/or Alex didn't quit her job and have to move out of the fancy apartment that came with that), this would be a lot lower – this would have been a story with much lower stakes for Alex if there wasn't the chance for ramifications next week, since she's grown up now and can't be grounded.  But I feel like if things go bad, Alex is going to take the brunt of Phil and Claire's wrath (i.e. they'll feel she should know better than Haley or Luke), and will probably be the one first asked to leave.

Now, as I said last week Alex would not be in a tough spot if she had to go – I think she would have little trouble finding a new place (Arvin could factor into this too).  But I'd still hate to see her be the one being punished.

One good thing – no more “Chance Of An Alex-Less Episode” paragraphs, ever – they will not be missed.

Are There Any Other Questions?  How awkward is it that we even have a story about a party, given how much life has changed in the past month?  Let's just say there probably won't be much social distancing going on tonight.

I'm off tonight, so the recap should be up at the regular time. I doubt I'll be using many happy words.

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