Wednesday, April 1, 2020

“Slip Slidin' Away” (“I'm Going To Miss This” Recap)

Did tonight go worse for Alex than I thought it would or did it go better?  I'm honestly not completely sure, but I'm leaning towards worse.

Yes, Alex didn't get yelled at by Phil or Claire for her role in the first party.  But Claire did get a chance to subtly lecture her when she pulled off her little ploy to get Doug out of the picture.  While much of what she said about Alex was part of the act, I sensed that least a few of those words (the kids not being responsible) were a real attempt to express disappointment in what Alex did (more so than Haley and Luke, I'm guessing).

And, as far as we saw, Alex was the only one who had to pay for what she did (almost literally, but I'll get back to that) – neither Luke nor Haley were admonished (on screen) about their role in that party – Phil even helped them get out of their predicament with the snake (yes Claire helped Alex as well, but, she also chose to get in a dig at Alex in the middle of it).

I'm not saying Alex was blameless in this (if nothing else she was willing to be part of the party), but she shouldn't shoulder most of the blame either.

Of course, there is still next week, so this may not yet be over.   The piano leg will probably collapse again, and somehow Alex will end up taking the blame for that as well.

As for Doug, I'm calling shenanigans1 on his slip and fall.   He fell by the staircase and Luke and Alex spilled her drink in the living room.   I could be totally wrong but I have a feeling that he was trying to get back at Alex for rebuffing him minutes earlier.  And even if he really did step on that ice cube, why not go after Luke as well (if not alone)?

No, I think he thought he was a big deal, and was looking to embarrass Alex, right up to his last “task” for her.

At least Alex didn't have to go full Harley Quinn (just the wig) – I don't know a lot about that character (superheroes/villains aren't really my cup of tea) but she does not seem like an Alex thing (maybe her ex-roommate Maisie, who had a superhero poster in their dorm, might have related better?).

I wonder how much that check was going to be.  If Claire's plan hadn't worked would it have been more than the incidentals' charge that Alex's family ran up at her apartment earlier?

I'd love to see the end being Alex moving into Mitch and Cam's now old house (perhaps even buying it outright – a bit of a stretch but hopefully she has enough money saved for a down payment, although the job-hopping she's done these past few months might hurt her in getting a mortgage), but I still won't hold my breath looking for that.   Perhaps if there was a Season 12...

Alex's Line Of The Night: (talking about helping Doug get his online MBA) ”Actually, I might finish that.  I really think we could make the Dean's List.”  He does need all the help he cam get, and not just with college.  I guess there's a new “bad” sheriff in town when it comes to Dunphy neighbors – I thought Ronnie and Amber had retired that award 5 years ago.

So now there's one night (and one hour left).  I don't know if I'll laugh.  I'll almost certainly cry.  I hope I don't end up angry.
1 Actually, I'd use the much stronger term, but I want to keep this SFW, even in the blog's last days.

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