Wednesday, April 8, 2020

“It's Just A Dream Of Mine Is Coming To An End”

The “Finale” (in two parts) is just about here – in just a few all too short hours Alex's story will conclude.

And, not long after that, so will this blog.  It won't end tonight (or tomorrow, depending on how long it takes to compose myself long enough to get a recap written) – I'll do a postmortem post or two about this season and Alex's 11 year story.   But unless something crazy happens (e.g. Alex gets a highly unlikely spin-off) that will be that.

But the blog ending won't happen until at least the weekend – for now, let's get tonight back into focus.

We know Alex is part of a story in the first half hour, as (at least) one of the Dunphy kids will be asked to move out.  I still think Alex is only the second most likely to leave, but the chance is still there, and I believe Alex might actually be better off for it.

Part 2 is much more hazy, as no individual story has been released, though there are pictures of Alex and Haley putting Luke in one final costume (not Betty Luke though, so I don't think the house will be burned down) so there will at least be a small story.

And then there's the wild card of Arvin showing up in one or both parts.

So, what do I think?

Anticipation Level: Extremely High.  This is pretty much self-explanatory, except I'll say that about half of this is dreading the fact that tonight is the end.

Emotional Moment Potential: Extremely High.  Maybe not quite at Hazel Grace's pre-eulogy to Augustus level, but it will be right up there, in both parts.

Game Changing Potential: High.  Why not “Extremely” for this too?  Because tonight doesn't really set up as changing a lot for Alex at the last minute.   And, with this being the finale, we may never see what the fallout of anything happening tonight ends up being.

Moving out isn't going to be that big a change, since Alex already had her own apartment at one point.  I'd think differently if I thought she would move into (or even buy) Mitch and Cam's old place, but the odds are against it.

The much more likely chance of a game-changer depends on what happens between Alex and Arvin.  Could some romantic sparks fly tonight?  I'm rooting for this so my answer is maybe – it's a better chance than Alex moving into Mitch and Cam's place but it's still not probable.

Or (worst case scenario), they have a disagreement (professional or otherwise) she leaves this job and her story ends with her life in total limbo.  I don't expect this to happen, but, given how the show has denied Alex happy endings in the past, I wouldn't put it past the powers that be to do that to her one last time either.

Are There Any Other Questions?  I can't really think of anything.  If I do think of something (and it would not necessarily be a question) I'll make another post before show time.

As I said above, I'm not sure when I'll feel like putting up the recap (the earliest would be after the west coast feed ends around 1:00 my time or 10:00 Pacific).   Unless nothing really happens (highly unlikely) it will probably be later as I'm probably going to need some time to gather my thoughts and clean up those puddles of tears I'll likely end up crying (one way or another).

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